Due to the lack of inspiring songs that make me want to animate more, I desided I'd fill in that month gap that was shown on Mafia Madness 3, It will feature 2 new good guys, how mike was mutated the first time round and some monster-like thing that has a link to what's happening in nevada (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS DURING THE EVENTS OF MADNESS COMBAT 3) Kage will appear still, and to explain the MC7 hank in MM2, I had him come from the future, After this , I might get back to work on MM4: Revival.
Edit: The protagonists names are Geso and Micheal, I've Changed my mind about the monster thing, it's will still be there, but WON'T have a link to nevada's happenings, It'll be caused by something else altogether I've done animating about 9-11 kills I'll try to provide screenshot updates every now and then. The Character on the left is Geso, the one on the right Is Micheal.
Edit 2: Mafia Madness MAY go back to being a solo project.
Edit 3: Oh yeah, Mafia Madnes Now has a facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mafiamadnessanimations
Edit 4: This Is related to Mafia Madness 4: Revival and 2.5 for those who want it, do not complain if the animation is terrible when they come out, because, I'm having the feelings of Extreme Lazyness, I also redoing the main animation(OF Mafia madness 4, 2.5 will be left unchanged) (The Menu will remain the same: http://hankjwimblton.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5 2c0bx heres the link if you haven't seen it) The reason for the Mafia Men looking like the 1337 Agent from Madness Combat is that When I was playing GTA3 (One place where the idea came from, the other being the first Far Cry Game) I've Noticed they looked simular so I thought "Heck, Might as well leave them the way they are." So that's why the Mafia Look like 1337 agents, Kage's Progression which so far you know he has the bandaged Jaw and Neck(Or something) Is purely based of what I designed his MM7 look to be, I DON'T (I'll repeat that) DON'T Intend to copy other peoples character, if i do it, then I'm doing it unknowingly. Geso and Micheal are characters I've thought up not that long ago, therefore their Progression will be made up as I go Along, I've may have soughted out the main plot, but the kills are just ones that pop into my head, Mafia Madness Has now gone Back to a solo project (Some people may say: Huzzah!"), Therefore, I'm Back to Thinking up ideas for Antagonists and background scenery, And the Backgrounds are Made by Me as they pop into my head, so I have no intentions of copying or using ANYONEs Backgrounds, Not even Krinkels. Now you Have a nice day, have a bad day and I'll destroy you.
Edit 5: After looking at a few other Madness Character (Making sure I don't copy Designs) I've Now Come up with, Kage's and Geso's Full Progression, I still got to work on Micheal, The Mafialeader and Mike, You will see it as I finish episodes.