For a Couple of months now, I've been think about making/ Joining a collab, it'd be my first collab that I made/joined I have been animating total of 8 months, during the time i haven't been animating, I'd be bored and watch tv, though, during the time i do animate, i try to give at least SOME effort into what i do and try to enjoy while i'm doing it. I'll gladly accept any animation tips, which, will also help me improve Mafia Madness 4 (which, if you have ideas for it, I'll take those ideas into consideration as well and if i use them, you will be credited, PM me those ideas) and in the collab i am trying to make, i'll start off with a small number of animators, then when i'm used to making collabs, the number will increase, at the moment i'll start with 5. Also, soon I'll Be able to provide sprites for the Whole Madness series, All 3 incidents and Madness Project Nexus, all of the sprites will be rolled into the one FLA thing.
Edit: I've already started on my first part It's Almost finished, Just need to Finish with the Flashes (Gun flashes that is) Shells and Blood splaters: 077ef98f6cfd310f2399
Edit: This isn't for the collab, but it's both a Madness and skyrim thing (I Have NEVER played skyrim): 150030bbaebbe3b46937
Edit 2: There is no Deadline until all 5 spots have filled up(God knows when) You Have to At Lest Provide 2 Parts or more
Edit 3: I've got the gist of Making a Menu and am providing one for Mafia Madness 4:
Edit 4: MAH Second Part: 6debc129028b5a941643
Edit 5: I'm starting to put together the clips, and i will accept any other offers to join for people who aren't on the current list.
Edit 6: Unfortunely Ali 25 and Afredonamme Left
Edit 7: 0c66d76eb73efcb9179d My thrid Part
Edit 8: A Little side thing I'll be working on until the collab is done after that i'll focus on it: 4ea0751d3ca606e08629
Edit 9: When I Get around to it, I'll decompile sprites to alot of krinkels animations, which include: The main madness Series, all 4 incidents, M:PN, The dirty series(Crap, Piss, Garbage and Vomit), Tricky Madness 2 and music video 2
Edit 10: the NEWER version of the mafia madness 4 menu
Edit 11: The Mafia Madness wiki is Up and running, I Just your Help: _Wiki?&cb=5622
Animimators in the Madn3ss F1ip 0ut C011ab.
1. Madnesscrazy123
3. JimmyDot
4. PootatoO
5. MisterRandomPerson
I'm game for the collab, though it'd probably be a short piece or two. Not too sure about the name though.
Here's something I've briefly worked on, just to prove I can animate.
<a href=""> 02ae168b75ea6cd1dc64d9</a>
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