My Life is Kind of like a one-way Train Wreck, And there's a reason for that, I learned About Madness Combat at the age of 12 by randomly browsing Stick Page until i Came across to it, and seeing i had nothing to at the time, i watched the series, as soon as i got to Madness Combat 4, thats when i started thinking it was epic. So, i spent 2 years Drawing madness whenever i felt like it, at the age of 13 near the end of 2010 i start talking to the creator of the series, Krinkels and sent one of my old drawings i was lucky enough to scan, and he liked it. I also asked for his conesent to animate Madness, he said yes almost straight away, but since i didn't have flash at the time, i didn't know how so i did a paint, Window Movie Maker Kind of thing until i discovered that my school had a copy of Flash 8 for me to install. After Installing, I Made a random Animation Using sprites i Made using motion tween, after using it for a while i realised what a load of Crap tweening was but continued to use it anyway, Then in March 2011 I Downloaded, not only tutorials from Alpha-Nuva but Accual Madness Sprite And using one of my old ideas i receated a character in accual Madness Form and accually supprized myself by Making the Character look like it came from Krinkels, And Thus, Blud Is Born, After spending 6 Months of obseving Alpha Nuvas Tutorials i then came up with an idea for a new character, and with help from a friend at school, came up with a name for him, Resulting in the creaton of Kage Jason. I had an idea swirling Around My Head, the Series Maximum Madness, the then fiddling around with the story and title, Came out to Be Mafia Madness, I'm working on Mafia Madness 3 And i've provided a screenshot to prove it.